
30 Fenton Plaza, Fenton, MO 63026


Mon, Tues, Thurs - 7:00am - 5:00pm
Friday - 7:00am - Noon

Emergency Dentistry

If you are having a dental emergency, please call the office and ask for an appointment.  

The following are emergency conditions that require immediate care.  Please note that if you are experiencing one or more of these conditions and it is after normal business hours, you will need to go to the emergency room for immediate treatment as certain of these conditions can be life threatening:

  • Severe, constant pain
  • Swelling around your jawbone, or face
  • A "bubble" on your gums near a tooth

These are emergency conditions that require immediate care but are not life threatening.  Usually, these types of conditions need to be addressed within a day or two of their onset:

  • Broken tooth without pain
  • Broken filling without pain
  • A loose tooth (or teeth) without pain

If you are in doubt as to how bad your condition is, please either call our office for an appointment if it is during normal business hours or visit the emergency room if it isn't.